Yoga in Grantchester Cambridge UK

Yoga with Wig Smith

In-person classes : Grantchester Village Hall, Tuesday afternoons 16.30 – 17.45. These classes are termly, three a year, 10 sessions each term.

On line classes : Practice in your own home, Thursday mornings 8.30 – 9.30. These classes run throughout the year most weeks. They are a good option if you cannot commit to a regular in-person class.

If you are interested in joining a class, please contact me for more information using the contact form below.

Why do yoga with me?

Yoga should feel good!

For me, yoga is not solely a physical discipline but one that, working with the breath, helps to integrate the body, mind, energy and spirit. It is more about being in the moment and sensing movement from within; less about achieving the picture-perfect postures you sometimes see in the media. In my classes every student is invited to move, with guidance, in a way that is right for them – no two bodies are the same and your postures and experience will be different from everyone else’s.

My classes are relaxed and welcoming, starting with limbering and loosening exercises, usually on the floor, to prepare you for sitting and standing postures. I like to integrate the breath with movement and we will practice balances and breathing techniques. Towards the end of the class I will invite you to relax on the floor for a while so that you can go home feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Modern yoga has its origins in the ancient traditions of India and has developed over the years into the multitude of styles that are practiced all over the world now.  I do not subscribe to any particular school or style of yoga, preferring to bring together many influences to offer a gentle but challenging yoga experience.  

About me

I am a yoga teacher and visual artist, having trained originally as an architect at Newnham College, University of Cambridge.

My grounding in yoga started at the Active Birth Centre in London, where Janet Balaskas introduced me to this whole new world of yoga.  I was entranced, discovering that by working with body and breath, I could not only calm my mind (which was anxiously facing a first birth) but also strengthen my muscles and increase flexibility. This was for me!

When we moved to Cambridge I discovered Chrissie Clarke, who has been my longstanding teacher ever since, practicing in the hatha tradition.  More recently I have been studying a somatic and embodied approach with the Barefoot Body Teacher Training programme, with Beverley Nolan and her team. I hold a 200 hour certificate in teaching yoga from the internationally recognized Yoga Alliance.

If you would like to know more about my art practice please take a look at

Kind words about my classes:

“The perfect voice making for a wonderful teacher. Well paced with everything one would want for a balanced yoga session with enough variety week on week.” Trish

“Thankyou! A lovely space of calm and laughter……” Pippa

“I have been doing yoga with Wig for about 18 months via Zoom. She is inspirational, very clear and easy to follow. A good balance between active and passive yoga and knows her stuff! I wouldn’t be without it.” Pam

“Wig’s zoom yoga got me back into yoga after a long lapse. She is so encouraging and friendly. I really look forward to my sessions and I feel so much better for them.  Her experience of many years of practice makes me feel confident about the classes and I hope to do them for many years to come. Fabulous teacher!” Tessa

“As a novice to yoga I have been pleasantly surprised at how much Wig’s sessions have improved my general aches and pains. Her softly spoken but clear instructions concentrating on stretches, balance and relaxed breathing can be recommended for all but especially for those like me, fighting off the inevitable effects of the aging process.” Pauline (retired GP)